Ahoy Mate!

You are on a ship in the high seas in the early 1700's. "The Golden Age of Piracy." The rugged pirate crew you enlist will be answering questions together that will dictate your full adventure and mark the journey. The majority vote answers are rewarded with gold where Loot cards or Keys can be purchased. You can even gamble gold if you are keen enough to know how your crew thinks. There is much Loot to be gathered on your sailing adventure including barrels of food and rum, repairs for the ship, power to fight your enemies, and treasure maps that supply the keys to unlocking the secret chest of riches. Do you have the strategy to sabotage, war, and steal from your own pirate crew? Are you successful enough to align with the crew so the ship doesn't fall into pitfalls? Regardless, one pirate aboard will succeed to open up the locked treasure chest to win the booty and an epic voyage.

ARGH! Good luck scurvy dogs!  

For 3-15 players plus expansion options. (45-60 min. game length)